[San-diego-pm] Cookie problem

Bob Kleemann rkleeman at energoncube.net
Thu Jul 15 17:15:40 CDT 2004


Whever you check cookies, you are checking to see whatever cookies the
browser sent when it made the current request.  Since you are setting a
cookie on the current request, the browser didn't send it already and
you cannot check it's current value.

The way a cookie check typically works is you set a cookie and tell the
browser to make another request.  On that second request, you check to
see if the cookie was set, and if not you tell the user to enable
cookies (or whatever action is appropriate).

Does this make sense?

On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 02:51:14PM -0700, Joel Fentin wrote:
> Chris Radcliff wrote:
> >Hi Joel,
> >
> >Cookies are sent with the result of your request (in the headers) and  
> >read on the next request. The cookies you read on any given request  
> >will only be those set previously, so you'll want to keep track of the  
> >values internally as well.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >~chris
> I have read and and re-read the above, and I don't get it.
> 1. Are you saying I can't set the cookie and then check for its existence?
> 2. My understanding is that a common way to learn if cookies are 
> disabled in a browser is by setting one and then reading it.
> 3. You did not say there was an error in my code.
> 4. I am still stuck at this point.
> -- 
> Joel Fentin    tel: 760-749-8863    FAX: 760-749-8864
> Contact me:    http://fentin.com/me/ContactMe.html
> Biz:           http://fentin.com
> Personal:      http://fentin.com/me/
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