Comments from last night's meeting (2003-06-17)

Tkil tkil-sdpm at
Wed Jun 18 16:21:19 CDT 2003


[sorry if anyone gets this twice]

Regarding perl on win32:

  The command I mentioned last night should be something like this,
  added to your httpd.conf file:

    SetEnv PATH c:\perl\bin

  Although I don't know what the .conf parser does with backslashes;
  you might need to use either double backslashes:

    SetEnv PATH c:\\perl\\bin

  Or you can try forward slashes:

    SetEnv PATH c:/perl/bin

  Plan B: It looks like it *might* be enough to just create the
  directory "c:\usr\bin" and copy "c:\perl\bin\perl.exe" into it.  If
  anything tries to get clever (e.g., finding libraries by finding
  binary and appending "../lib" to it) that might fail.

  Plan C: re-install ActivePerl, but tell it to install into c:/usr.
  :) (How's *that* for brute force?)

Steve (?) / Wombat -- post something.  :)

PHP v. Perl:

  Do a Google search for "perl php comparison".  Happy reading.  :)

Anything else?


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