Meeting this month

C. Abney cabney at
Tue Jun 3 12:10:49 CDT 2003

A rhetorical question:

Who is aware of Porters Pub and how interested would you be in meeting
on the UCSD campus?



On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 17:22, Bob Kleemann wrote:
> ~sdpm~
> Hey everybody,
> Just a reminder that there is a meeting this month on June 17.  Once
> again, location is currently undetermined (if you know of some place,
> please let me know), but until you hear otherwise, assume it is at the
> same location:  The food court at UTC.
> Also, don't forget that the day after the meeting, there is a meet up
> with tilly all the way up in Santa Ana.  Doug should have the details
> about that.
> I'll send out a reminder again in a couple of weeks.
> ~sdpm~
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Charles Abney
Polymorphism Research Laboratory, 0603
UCSD School of Medicine
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093-0603

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