I'm in town, looking for drinkin' buddies tonight or tomorrow night

Randal L. Schwartz merlyn at stonehenge.com
Mon Jul 1 09:17:05 CDT 2002

>>>>> "Tkil" == Tkil  <tkil-sdpm at scrye.com> writes:

Tkil> The standard (Hooters) is fairly close, and Bob probably still has the
Tkil> certificates we won at the previous outing.  I don't know any other
Tkil> restaurants by name down in that area, so I can't offer further
Tkil> suggestions.  We could conceivably meet somewhere, then wander until
Tkil> we find one that strikes our fancy (and let stragglers find us via
Tkil> cell phone).

Tkil> Any ideas, comments?

Hooters in fact, will work for me.  Again, for the normal reasons: (1)
beer, (2) can't get "three mile island" chicken anywhere else, (3) we
don't have hooters within 2 hours of where I live, and (4) I already
know where the place is.

Who knows?  Maybe they'll have another trivia night that we can win
with google on my cell phone. :)

If anyone on this list is offended by the idea of meeting at hooters,
I'll listen for an alternative, but I must say that this really is a
family restaurant with an embarassing name. :)

I'll be online until about 11am.  If there are any changes after that,
use my phone 503-250-2288... otherwise, I'll be on the 6pm train into
town to hook up with people at hooters on Market St at 7pm.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn at stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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