sample code from Wednesday evening

Tkil tkil-sdpm at
Fri Feb 22 00:50:40 CST 2002


Sorry that it took me so long to post this.

First, the sample data, in file "ppe.log":

ETN=s04619 Step_name=Drill_Chart Elapsed_time=1456 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04619 Step_name=Stackup Elapsed_time=2586 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04619 Step_name=Data_review Elapsed_time=8422 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04619 Step_name=CAM_inst Elapsed_time=1118 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
booga booga!
ETN=s04619 Step_name=Drill_and_Inners Elapsed_time=27918 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04619 Step_name=Traveler_BOM Elapsed_time=7098 Finished=No Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=Drill_Chart Elapsed_time=9525 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=Stackup Elapsed_time=2665 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=Data_review Elapsed_time=10117 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=CAM_inst Elapsed_time=2032 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=Drill_and_Inners Elapsed_time=1032	 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=Traveler_BOM Elapsed_time=4021 Finished=No Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=CAM_inst Elapsed_time=10322 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04621 Step_name=Fake_Step_1 Elapsed_time=13402 Finished=No Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=
ETN=s04619 Step_name=Data_review Elapsed_time=10032 Finished=Yes Clock=No Epoch=0 ip=

Then the code we came up with:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);

my %hash;

open IN, "ppe.log" or die "opening: $!";
while (<IN>)
    if (/ETN=(\w+) .*?
	 Step_name=(\w+) .*?
	my ($etn, $step, $time) = ($1, $2, $3);
	$hash{$etn}{$step} += $time;
	print STDERR "couldn't parse line $.: $_";
close IN or die "closing: $!";

print STDERR Dumper(\%hash);

while (my ($etn, $info) = each %hash)
    local *OUT;
    open OUT, ">$etn.out" or die "opening $etn.out: $!";
    while (my ($step, $total) = each %$info)
	printf OUT "%-30s %6d\n", $step.":", $total;
    close OUT or warn "closing $etn.out: $!";

My perl examples are at this URL, although I've had difficulty getting
to the box lately (it's still up, but there's some sort of routing
nastiness going on at the moment):

Finally, here's the C version of the "mystery m function" problem from:

#include <stdio.h>

int m(int i, int j, int k)
  static int count = 0;
  int rv;
  if      (i == 0)           { rv = k+1; }
  else if (i == 1 && k == 0) { rv = j; }
  else if (i == 2 && k == 0) { rv = 0; }
  else if (k == 0)           { rv = 1; }
  else                       { rv = m(i-1, j, m(i, j, k-1)); }

  if ((count & 0xffff) == 0x0) 
    fprintf(stderr, "%08x: m(%d,%d,%d)=%d\n",
	    count, i, j, k, rv);
  return rv;

int main (int argc, char * argv [] )
  printf("m(4,4,4)=%d\n", m(4,4,4));
  return 0;

I ran it on my friend's box (1GHz Athlon) up to this iteration:

   11dc0000: m(1,4,23243)=23247

Since it's still not ending, I basically gave up on actually running
it.  If I get some more free time, maybe it's solvable "by hand".


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