Meeting tonight, and other stuff...

Bob Kleemann rkleeman at
Wed Apr 17 19:33:44 CDT 2002

On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 04:36:30PM -0700, Chris Radcliff wrote:
> A question: Do we (the PMers that are going to the conference) have 
> enough computers to host a small LAN party at the conference? There are 
> some exciting open source games (Parsec, BZFlag, etc.) that might be fun 
> to play.
> Parsec (space combat):
> BZFlag (tank combat):
> I have a computer and a 10Mbps hub we could use. With a few more 
> computers, we could host a couple hours of excitement and maybe even a 
> tournament or two. What do you think?

Perhaps we can use the computer lab that I'm sure they'll set up there.
In any case, that's a good idea, we'll talk about that one tonight too.

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