[Fwd: Programming language usage stats]

Chris Radcliff chris at velocigen.com
Fri Jul 20 09:09:23 CDT 2001

This might be of interest to the group, along the lines of the "Who uses 
  Perl?" question.


Parand Darugar wrote:

>   Interesting read in the July 9th, 2001 (issue 28),
> page 12 of Infoworld:
>   Apparently Sun conducted a survey on its Solaris
> Developer Connection site, asking:
> "What language do you use to develop Web-based client
> applications?"
> Results:
> Perl    41.3%
> JSP     19.9%
> C/C++   14.2%
> PHP     11.2%
> MS ASP   8.8%
> Other    4.3%
>   The low ASP numbers can be attributed to this poll being 
> hosted on a Solaris developer site, but clearly Perl is the
> leader. A Sun conducted poll tells us less than 20% of 
> developers use Java. Food for thought. 


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