Polygons & Nodal Points...

cabney cabney at cyberpass.net
Mon Jul 16 16:49:38 CDT 2001

On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, cabney wrote:

Well, this is just /wrong/... correction below.

> ###
> # Return a set of y-values at $x of the polygon edges that intersect
> # at x=$x
> sub slice
> {
> 	my $x = shift;
> 	my @poly = @_;
> 	my @isect;
> 	my @segment = splice ( @poly, 0, 2 );
> 	# for each set of quads (x1,y1,x2,y2) that intersect at x=$x
> 	while ( 4 == push @segment, splice ( @poly, 0, 2 ) )
> 	{
> 		if (	( $segment[0] <= $x && $x <= $segment[2] )
> 			  or
> 			( $segment[2] <= $x && $x <= $segment[0] )
> 		) {
> 			if ( $segment[0] == $segment[2] ) {
> 				next;
> 			} else {
> 				# collect the y-values for segments at x=$x;
> 				push @isect, mx_plus_b($x, at segment);
> 			}
> 		}
> 		@segment = splice( @segment ,2 ,2 );
> 	}
> 	return sort {$a <=> $b } @isect;
> }

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# CAbney20010715
# I think this assumes Eulerian, cyclic, directed, connected... but
# I'm still picking that stuff up...
# Anyway, something one'd use to create a polygon in a graphics module
# like GD.pm or OpenGL, where the final point coincides with the first.

use strict;

my ( $x, $y, @poly ) = @ARGV;
# These must always end where they start
# Otherwise I think they can do wierd things, like crossed edges...
# square with a triangle missing
#my @poly = (	0.0,0.0, 3.0,0.0,
#		3.0,3.0, 0.0,3.0,
#		2.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0);
#wierd polygon
#my @poly = (	0.0,0.0, 3.0,0.0,
#		3.0,4.0, 0.0,4.0,
#		2.0,1.0, 0.0,3.0,
#		0.0,2.0, 2.0,1.0,
#		0.0,0.0);
# starburst
#my @poly = (	0.0,0.0, 5.0,-1.0,
#		5.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0,
#		5.0,2.0, 5.0,3.0,
#		0.0,0.0, 5.0,4.0,
#		5.0,5.0, 0.0,0.0,
#		4.0,5.0, 3.0,5.0,
#		0.0,0.0, 2.0,5.0,
#		1.0,5.0, 0.0,0.0 );
# starburst
#my @poly = (	0.0,0.0, 5.0,-1.0,
#		5.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0,
#		5.0,2.0, 5.0,3.0,
#		0.0,0.0, 5.0,4.0,
#		5.0,5.0, 0.0,0.0,
#		4.0,5.0, 3.0,5.0,
#		0.0,0.0, 2.0,5.0,
#		1.0,5.0, 0.0,0.0,
#		-1.0,5.0, -2.0,5.0,
#		0.0,0.0 );
@poly = (	2.0,0.0, 4.0,1.0,
		4.0,-1.0, 0.0,1.0,
		0.0,-1.0, 2.0,0.0,
		3.0,2.0, 1.0,2.0,
		3.0,-2.0, 1.0,-2.0,
		2.0,0.0) unless @poly;

printf "(%f, %f): %s\n", $x, $y, in_poly($x,$y, @poly);

# is a point x,y inside a polygon defined by @poly?
sub in_poly
	my ( $x, $y, @poly ) = @_;
	my $c = 0;
	my @ladder = slice ( $x, @poly );

	while (@ladder)
		my $rung = shift @ladder;

		# special case: we're on the edge
		if ( $y == $rung ) {
			# trailing edge
			$c++ unless $c % 2;
		# we know we're on-edge/encompassed-by the polygon
		last if ( $y <= $rung );

		# odd is in, even is out (promote diversity!)
	return ($c % 2) ? "hit!" : "miss!";

# well, probably not necessary to identify this case.
sub is_vert
	my ($x, $y, @poly) = @_;
	while ( my ($next_x,$next_y) = splice (@poly,0,2))
		return 1 if ( ($x == $next_x) and ($y == $next_y) );
	return 0;

# given x and two points on a line...
sub mx_plus_b
	my $x = shift;
	my ( $x1,$y1,$x2,$y2 ) = @_;
	my ( $m, $b );

	$m = ($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1);
	$b = $y1 - $m*$x1;
	return $m*$x+$b;

# Return a set of y-values at $x of the polygon edges that intersect
# at x=$x
sub slice
	my $x = shift;
	my @poly = @_;

	my @isect;
	my @segment = splice ( @poly, 0, 2 );
	# for each set of quads (x1,y1,x2,y2) that intersect at x=$x
	while ( 4 == push @segment, splice ( @poly, 0, 2 ) )
		if (	( $segment[0] <= $x && $x <= $segment[2] )
			( $segment[2] <= $x && $x <= $segment[0] )
		) {
			unless ( $segment[0] == $segment[2] ) {
				push @isect, mx_plus_b($x, at segment);
		@segment = splice( @segment ,2 ,2 );
	return sort {$a <=> $b } @isect;


There was a time
A wind that blew so young
For this could be the biggest sky
And I could have the faintest idea


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