
Steve Meier smeier at
Thu May 25 20:11:29 CDT 2000

Hey all,

Could anyone tell me what the easiest way to sort through this list
would be. What I have is a log file that looks like this:

5/25/2000 17:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
5/25/2000 17:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
5/25/2000 17:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0
5/25/2000 18:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
5/25/2000 18:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
5/25/2000 18:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0

So for instance, I want to select the most current lines (the last

Split them into there respective variables $Date $Time $Host $ftpput
$ftpget $pingloss $pingavg

Then loop them through a table to display the results on a webpage.

Thanks for your help,

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