[Saltlake-pm] Note: New June meeting date.

David Oswald daoswald at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 11:52:39 PDT 2014

*Our June meeting will be the 17th at 7:00pm.*

*Topic*:  *What's New in Perl Five Point Two (oh)?  -- 5.20*

Perl 5.20 offers some exciting new syntax features, and in so doing, knocks
the stool out from under some of those old and tired points of contention
raised by language snobs and dissenters. Let's explore!

If there is anyone who would like to present another topic, please let me

I know this is kind of early for the announcement, but because of the shift
in dates I wanted to get the word out ASAP.


David Oswald
daoswald at gmail.com
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