[Saltlake-pm] November meeting recap

David Oswald daoswald at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 21:30:36 PST 2013

We had a good turnout this evening.  I didn't get a count, but the
room was full.

First I want to thank Rodney Palmer from ListMarketer for providing us
with delicious food from The Pie this evening.

His company is a Perl shop, and seeking another full time developer.
If you're looking for Perl work you may contact him at
rodney at listmarketer.com, or by phone at 877-231-3495.

Maybe you're not looking, but know someone who is.  If so, please pass
the information along.  It's good for Perl (and thus, good for us Perl
developers) if companies seeking Perl developers find them...
especially if they can find them here in Utah.

At tonight's meeting our main presentation was about getting started
with Perl XS, and Inline::C.  For those who would like to look a
little closer at the slides, they're on slideshare:


Also, some example modules that are designed to be pretty easy to
read, even for someone just starting out with XS and Inline::whatever,

Math::Prime::FastSieve (This module has an Inline::CPP dependency).
List::BinarySearch::XS (This module just used plain vanilla XS, but
was developed with the aid of Inline::C)

List::BinarySearch (This module demonstrates how to provide a
pure-Perl fall-back and an automatic but optional XS dependency).

We will skip December, and resume our meetings Tuesday January 14th at
7:00pm.  If you have something you would like to talk about, you've
got a couple months to prepare.  Just let  me know!



David Oswald
daoswald at gmail.com

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