[Ruhr-pm] [Fwd: [pm_groups] YAPC::Europe 2007 - Call for Participation [scanned]] [scanned]

Veit Wahlich veit at ruhr.pm.org
Do Feb 22 07:31:53 PST 2007

Hallo Zielgruppe!

Thomas Klausner von der Vienna.pm bittet um Beteiligung an der
Yet Another Perl Conference Europe 2007 vom 29.-31.08.2007 in Wien:

Call for Participation - YAPC::Europe 2007 in Vienna

Vienna.pm is officially announcing the call for participation for Yet 
Another Perl Conference Europe 2007. This years conference theme is 
"Social Perl".


The conference will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 29th to 31st August 
2007 at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.

Star guests

We found sponsors to invite some famous international Perl hackers. 

Thanks to nfotex for inviting Larry (and Gloria) Wall, to Anonymous 
Donor for getting Damian Conway from Australia to Austria (it's quite 
expensive to get the 'al' out of Australia...) and to geizhals.at for 
inviting Audrey Tang and Mark Jason Dominus. 


The final schedule will be announced on 22nd of July 2007.

Would-be speakers please see the Call for Papers available on the 
conference website for more information on key dates and talks.


* Regular attendance:        100 EUR
* Students and Early Birds:   80 EUR
* Business/Sponsor Tariff:   200 EUR

Regular attendance costs 100 Euro, and 80 Euros for students. Early 
birds only pay 80 Euros (if paid until 31st March 2007). There is also a 
voluntary business/sponsor tariff at 200 Euros, which is an easy way to 
sponsor YAPC::Europe 2007 and Perl in general.

You will not only get three days packed with interesting talks and 
people, but also a goodie bag, a conference t-shirt, an invitation to 
the attendees dinner and the unique opportunity to see renowned members 
of the Perl community with orange mohawks.

As YAPC::Europe is a community-driven conference, we're not in it for 
the profit. But should we make one, all money will be used for funding 
further Perl 5|6 development, future YAPC::Europe conferences and for 
advancing Perl usage / the Perl community in Austria.

How to register

To register for YAPC::Europe 2007 go to our website:

Click on the 'New user'-Link in the navbar and fill out the subsequent 

Accomodation & Getting to Vienna

Please note that you should *definitly* book your hotel room as soon as
possible. While you will be able to get a room later, the hotels near 
the venue will fill up. So to prevent long trips through the city or 
paying more than you want to, book your hotel room!.

You can find more information on accomodation in Vienna, and how to get 
to Vienna by plain, train, car etc at the conference website.


For more information please see the YAPC Europe 2007 website:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send an email to
   vienna2007 at yapceurope.org

The organisers will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thomas Klausner,
on behalfe of Vienna.pm

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}