[rochester-pm-list] Rochester Perl Mongers Mtg. on 2000-06-21

Richard Martin Woodward RichardWoodward at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 24 15:24:52 CDT 2000

Well, we had a meeting and I agreed to write
some notes to be used as minutes.  The most
important thing to occur has already been
stated-We had a meeting!

Why not plan on coming to the next mtg?
The time will probably be 8pm on the
third Wednesday of July (2000-07-19).

The place is yet TBD.  Anyone with good
ideas about an appropriate (and free) mtg
place is welcome to contribute them via
this list.  Currently under consideration
are the Rochester Public Libary (Rundel)
which I will check out, and RIT which
Brian Mathis will check out.

If all else fails, we'll always have Monty's.

Five people attended the meeting, but only
the four below signed the attendance sheet.

    Tom Dao
    Anthony Giardona
    Brian Mathis
    Richard Martin Woodward

Tom is the proud winner of a T-shirt
from O'Reilly, which was won by lot
during the meeting.

Brian passed out catalogs from
O'Reilly.  Note that members of our
group are now eligible for a 20% 
discount on orders to O'Reilly.

It seemed generally agreed IMHO that
one of the primary purposes of our
group is to promote the use of Perl.

Tom and Anthony discussed the
Unix style of password encryption
to clear up some unfinished business
from Anthony's recent class in Perl.

Brian and Richard discussed the topic
of secure perl programs and the
availability of the source code for
public inspection.

Richard is seeking desperately to learn
how to use the Safe.pm module. He needs
to know how to safely "eval" the following
piece of Perl:
    $target =~ /$user_input/

Your comments will be much appreciated
by Richard (that's me).

There seems to be a fair amount of 
interest in freelance programming. That
topic is sure to come up again.  Richard
is semi-retired (too old to get a job) and
has to look to freelance as a source of
food. (Will Perl for Food!)  Seriously,
we probably can assemble a good team
of Perl programmers and provide
RaChaCha with a good place to look
for our kind of talent. So start
attending these meetings and using
our list.

The list address BTW is
rochester-pm-list at happyfunball.pm.org

Richard Martin Woodward
perl_programmer at hotmail.com

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