[Raleigh-talk] How am I wrongly using Math::BigInt?

Paul Bennett paul.w.bennett at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 14:38:20 PDT 2010

So, I've got this Perl module ...


... and it's not-quite-randomly failing its test suite on not-quite-random

The testing summary is at ...


As you'll be able to tell (with some digging), the tests that are failing
are one or more of the tests named =~ /01-try-.*/. These tests are all
sanity-checks put in place to test the underlying modules and/or libraries
that my module itself actually relies on. Those tests don't even "use" my
module -- they run directly on the underlying modules.

Now, I know for sure that the libraries themselves can't possibly be
broken: they're used by gazillions of people all day every day, even for
"real" comp sci problems. I'm pretty sure the Perl modules that use the
libraries aren't broken: they also seem to be used by other people all day
every day.

So, after eliminating the impossible, what remains is that I'm misreading
the docs badly enough that even my trivial "are you alive?" tests are
written badly enough that they're crashing hard.

Is anyone here ready, willing, and able to help me figure out what I'm
doing wrong?


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