From mark at Sat Jan 8 19:07:45 2022 From: mark at (Mark Senn) Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2022 22:07:45 -0500 Subject: [Purdue-pm] my Weekly Challenge solutions Message-ID: <> Raku was formerly known as Perl 6. Wolfram Language is the language that the Mathematica interactive technical computing environment, etc. use. My Raku and Wolfram Language solutions to Task 1. Write a script to generate the 10001st prime number. are at "Perl Golf" is a game where one attempts to write the shortest Perl program to accomplish some goal. The Raku NON-golf version is 41 characters; Wolfram Language NON-golf version is 20 characters. >From A highly composable system provides components that can be [... -mark] assembled in various combinations to satisfy specific user requirements. I understand the next major specification of the Raku language will have improved composability. Raku's operator and function composability is excellent now. My Raku solutions to Task 2. Curious Fraction Tree are at Mark Senn, Senior Software Engineer, Engineering Computer Network, Purdue University From mark at Sun Jan 16 19:09:38 2022 From: mark at (Mark Senn) Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 22:09:38 -0500 Subject: [Purdue-pm] The Weekly Challenge 147 Message-ID: <> This week's weekly challenge is at My Raku solutions are at and Comments on some maybe interesteding Raku language stuff: for (2 .. Inf).grep(*.is-prime).grep({! /0/}) -> $test { SNIPPETT WHAT IT DOES for (2 .. Inf) let $_ go from 2 to doesn't compute an infinite amount of stuff this is "lazy" and just computes stuff as it needs it...when $test is used the first time a new $test is computed...having laziness is a feature I use a lot .grep(*.is-prime) only use prime numbers .grep({! /0/}) the prime numbers must not contain zero -> $test put each of the primes without 0 in $test one at a time It is common for me to use this general setup of .grep(...), .grep(...), .grep(...) to only pick out the wanted elements so I don't need to put code inside the loop to pick wanted elements or eliminate non-wanted elements. my $p := 0, 1, 5, -> $a, $b { 2*$b - $a + 3 } ... Inf; SNIPPET WHAT IT DOES my $p := compute a lazy array $p[0] = 0 0, 1, 5, -> $a, $b { 2*$b - $a + 3 } $p[0] = 0, $p[1] = 1, $p[2] = 5, $p[3] for example, is 2*$p[2] - $p[1] + 3 ... Inf; and do it lazily to infinity (1 .. $n).map({%is-pentagonal{$p[$_]} = True}); SNIPPETT WHAT IT DOES for (1 .. $n) let $_ go from 1 to $n map({%is-pentagonal{$p[$_]} = True}) set the %is-petagonal hash element $p[$_} to True -mark From mark at Sun Jan 23 18:55:11 2022 From: mark at (Mark Senn) Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:55:11 -0500 Subject: [Purdue-pm] my weekly challenge answers Message-ID: <> My Raku (formerly known as Perl 6) solutions to the Weekly Challenge tasks are available. Eban Numbers This script generates all numbers from 1 to 100 without an 'e'. For problems of this type I like to generate the spelled out numbers and then print those without the letter 'e'. Some people use (in my opinion) error-prone regular expression tricks to do this---I prefer to generate the spelled versions of the numbers and then print the ones that don't contain the letter 'e'. An example of a trick could be /^[246]$/ to match all single digit numbers that don't contain 'e'. Be careful with the number 50 it contains a 5 ('five', with an 'e') but 50 ('fifty' doesn't contain an 'e'). The program is short and commented. You can probably follow it even if you don't know Raku. I think it is a good program to demonstrate Raku. Cardano Triplets This script prints the first five Cardano triplets. Cardano triplets satisy the condition curt(a + b*sqrt(c)) + curt(a - b*sqrt(c)) = 1 where curt is the cube root function and sqrt is the square root function. Found two web pages that describe how to simplify this problem and the ideas in them are the bulk of the mathematics in the blog. The solution transforms the original problem using 18 step-by-step steps to something that can be coded without needing sqrt or curt. (No math class divide, subtract mystery term from both sides simplify, complete the square and walla---there you go. It's a step-by-step description.) LaTeX is used to show the 18 step-by-step math steps. Wolfram Language (Mathematica) is used to do math expansions and simplifications. The Wolfram Language statements are shown. The program is short and commented. You can probably understand it even if you don't know Raku. I try to avoid floating point math in languages except Wolfram Language because the math is slow and inexact. This program demonstrates a programming technique I use a lot: loop { if (some condition) exit loop if (some condition) take another trip through the loop ... # we've found what we're looking for, deal with it, # by the time we get here we know what we have and # don't need any ifs to sort things out compute something } I use the nice short Raku statements to do the above ifs. I think this is a good prorgam to demonstrate Raku. -mark