[Purdue-pm] programming fonts
Mark Senn
mark at purdue.edu
Thu Sep 5 10:09:22 PDT 2019
Over the past ten years or so, I've evaluated probably around
20 fonts for programming and have used the following (one at a
time for months or years).
Inconsolata dz
Inconsolata g (liked dot in zero better)
Adobe Source Code Pro (the ell looks like this only curvier
It is hard to mistake it for a one.
IBM Plex Mono Regular. I like ( { [ and ] } ) better thn Source Code
Pro's version of those glpyhs (an "A" can be represted by a hex number
41 in a computer, a glyph is the pictorial representation or symbol
for that character). I don't like the ell in Source Code Pro.
It isn't ellish enough to suit me.
Ell, 1, and the pipe symbol (|) all look different.
Parens, braces, and brackets all look different.
Has dotted zero that I like better than slashed zero.
Dotted zero and capital oh look different and dotted zero
looks different from an eight.
It's contemporary.
Comes in lots of styles and weights.
The LaTeX plex package supports it.
Plex has all the Unicode characters I'v tried using from Emacs.
It's open-source.
Mark Senn, Senior Software Engineer,
Engineering Computer Network, Purdue University
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