[Purdue-pm] Perl 6 renamed to Rakudo

Mark Senn mark at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 16 10:50:14 PDT 2019

There isn't what I'd call an official announcement out yet but it
appears that "Perl 6" will be renamed to "Raku" and "Perl 5" will be
renamed to "Perl version 5" or something similar.  Announcements have
already been on many international tech sites.  I think it is getting to
the point that not doing this change would be prohibitively difficult.
I got a free "Using Raku" book earlier today from
That book is suitable for beginners.

It was reported that Larry Wall, the creator of Perl, would like the
upcoming PerlCon in Cypress to be renamed RakuCon.  Again, I can find a
high enough quality source to cite for this.

I like Raku much better than Perl.  More power, flexibility, etc.  Perl
uses @x and $x[0].  Raku uses @x and @x[0].


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