From mark at Sun Jun 16 14:32:44 2019 From: mark at (Mark Senn) Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 17:32:44 -0400 Subject: [Purdue-pm] my Perl Weekly Challenge 012 answer, etc. Message-ID: <> See for my blog entry about solving the Perl Weekly Challenge 012 problems using Perl 6. In Perl 6 one can type ``[op] @array'' to do ``@array[0] op @array[1] op @array[2] ...' where op can be +, -, *, eq (string equality), lt (string less than), etc. In a two-dimensional array @part, ``[eq] @part[*;2]'' checks if every element in the third column (columns are numbered starting at zero) of @part are the same. The following Perl 6 code my @a = <<1 2.1 3 2.2 5 2.3 7 2.4 9>>; my @b = @a[1,3...*]; say ([+] @b)/@b.elems; prints 2.25, the average of all odd elements of @a. If "*" isn't used in a multiple context, you can read it as "whatever" and it usually makes sense. I'm working on many partway done blog entries including Finding without searching: finding word ladder puzzle solutions using matrix arithmetic and How to check your math homework [intended for grades K through PhD and especially first-year Engineering Students at Purdue] I still need to make a blog table of contents and index. Anthony J. Smith gave a "Using WordPress" talk at the Purdue Perl Mongers meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2019. He's the author of "Working With WordPress" at The first paragraph there is Have you ever wanted to setup a WordPress site, but don't want to use or an expensive paid host ? Well you have come to the right place. In this article I will go over how to setup a WordPress site on Google Cloud. Mark Senn, Software Engineer, Engineering Computer Network, Purdue University