[Purdue-pm] September, October, November

Dave Jacoby djacoby at purdue.edu
Fri Aug 16 08:27:20 PDT 2019

December we have planned in advance. We're doing "Starship Mongers",
because "Starship Mongers" gives everyone a chance to talk about what
they like, and keeps people from having to plan and make slides during
peak holiday season.

But we don't have September. Or October. Or November.

Because automation, they're in Meetup, but they're listed as TBA.

So, what subjects are we interested in hearing about? If there's great 
interest in one thing or another, we can recruit someone to talk about it.

Dave Jacoby <djacoby at purdue.edu>
     Developer, Purdue Genomics Core Lab

Code Runs Everything Around Me.

     When I say "reload the page", I always mean
     with Ctrl-Shft-R, which clears the cache.

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