[Purdue-pm] an example Perl 6 program

Mark Senn mark at purdue.edu
Thu Aug 2 19:31:36 PDT 2018

Below is an example Perl 6 program.
Thought you might be interested.    -mark


# Print an error message if we're using Perl 5.
use v6;

sub MAIN(Bool :$h)
    # Was "-h" option given on command line?
    ($h)  and  do  {
        # Print "Usage: password" on standard error.
        $*ERR.say('Usage: password');
        exit 1;

    # Set @char array to 0...9, A...Z, a...z.
    my @char = ('0'...'9', 'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z');
    # Set @password array to 9 through 16 random elements of @char.
    my @password = @char.pick xx (9...16).pick;
    # Print the 9 to 16 character password.
    say join '', @password;

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