[Purdue-pm] This Summer's Meetings
Dave Jacoby
jacoby.david at gmail.com
Wed May 10 07:01:23 PDT 2017
May's meeting was good. Joe stepped in to talk about Open Source and
Tabletop Games, and I showed off how I handle my mail, including the 260
domains I will not accept from at work, that if you email me with "elite
networks" or "cannabis" in the subject, I will never see it, and that the
determination if notifications go to my tablet or my desktop depends on
Ken's OpenCV code.
Also, the specific person I hoped would be able to come didn't, so there is
no need to keep it on Tuesday. I personally like the "wander up the street"
move, so, unless there's a strong push from the HackLafayette membership to
go back to LBC, I think staying in WL works.
I, by fiat, have decided that July's meeting will be a wrap-up and
discussion about the talks from YAPC::NA/The Perl Conference, whic (at
least) Joe and I will attend.
Joe wants another shake-down pass on To Serve Humans, so I think June is
that, but I would like to have another presentation, perhaps just a small
one, then.
And that leaves August. I am somewhat bereft of ideas, and would like your
* June 14 - To Serve Humans (plus another?)
* July 12 - Perl Conference Recap
* August 9 - TBA
If you have thoughts on what you'd like to present, or even what you'd like
to see, I think we'd all like to know.
Dave Jacoby
jacoby.david at gmail.com
Computers let us make bad decisions at lightning speed and global scale.
-- Brian Wisti
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