[Purdue-pm] Thunder Talks!

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 09:27:53 PDT 2017

HackLafayette is having Thunder Talks starting 2pm Saturday at the
MatchBox. Scheduled talks include:

+ Ed Finkler - "Graph Databases will Change Your Freakin' Life"

+ Joe Kline - "To Serve Humans"

+ Derrick Kearney - "Tell Your Data Story with RMarkdown"

There will be door prizes. There will be refreshments.

Please RSVP so we know who to open the door for, and to help with the door
prize script.


Dave Jacoby
jacoby.david at gmail.com

Computers let us make bad decisions at lightning speed and global scale.
 -- Brian Wisti
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