[Purdue-pm] Belated Administrivia

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 07:46:51 PDT 2015

1) Topic: Nehemiah intended his comment about a "learning $LANG from
scratch" as a joke. I consider it a potentially good topic, more on the
methodology of bringing your problem-solving knowledge into a new field,
but it isn't a talk he wishes to give, so that opens up November for a new

I have wanted to talk about HTML mail for a while, because I'm still
working through my feelings, but as I haven't played with the code
recently, I don't have a solid talk (but I do have a few crucial slides),
so I'll throw this in as a fallback in case nobody else has a burning need
to present.

And also, perhaps, to stoke someone into talking, if just to avoid HTML
mail. B)

2) Location and date: There are a few things that affect this. We haven't
been using the WSLR time and date, and I have been asked for it. I've been
out most of the week so I haven't gotten back, but my first instinct is to
let them have it. On the other hand, Mark Senn has pushed me to start
announcing Perl Mongers events to Purdue Today, and I am unsure about them
accepting events that are off-campus.

Should I let Tues, Nov 17 go and have Brock and/or Wally reserve a room for
us on Wed, Nov 18? I feel that's the way, but I started crying four times
during _Tomorrowland_ two days ago, so right now I hold my feelings as

3) Perl 6: Mark Senn is interested in organizing an event in celebration of
the release of Perl 6. That could easily be our Dec.16 meeting ("Before
Christmas") or not. He has reached out for co-sponsorship with ITaP. Anyone
interested in helping him organize this is encouraged to reach out to him.

David Jacoby     jacoby.david at gmail.com
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