[Purdue-pm] Question about Versions

Bradley Andersen bradley.d.andersen at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 15:23:45 PDT 2014

ok - i'm now officially a maintainer on only.pm - it just so happens ingy
wants to start giving it some love.

so, if you want to try it out, and you have issues, it *is* now going to be
getting some attention.


On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Mark Senn <mark at ecn.purdue.edu> wrote:

> >  In Javascript, when I include a library I wrote, I put <script
> >  src="bulldada_0.1.js"> and if I want to work on the module and make
> >  changes, I can do that to bulldada_0.2.js, and I can change the HTML
> >  when and if I'm ready to use 0.2. Theoretically, I can have a directory
> >  full of bulldada_*.*.js.
> >
> >  The capabilities are almost there with Perl. I can specify a version in
> my
> >  module:
> >      package Bull::Dada ;
> >      our $VERSION = 0.01 ;
> >      1
> >
> >  I can specify a version number in my code;
> >      use strict ;
> >      use lib '/home/jacoby/lib' ;
> >      use Bull::Dada 0.01 ;
> >
> >  But, Bull::Dada, as I understand it, has to be
> >  /home/jacoby/lib/Bull/Dada.pm. I couldn't have it be
> >  /home/jacoby/lib/Bull/ Dada_0.01.pm alongside Dada_0.02.pm, where I'm
> >  changing the subroutines around and such, but I'm not ready to use it in
> >  real code, or perhaps it uses OAuth 2.0 while 0.01 uses OAuth 1.0 or
> >  whatever.
> >
> >  To my knowledge, I cannot do this in Perl, as much as I may desire it.
> Am I
> >  wrong?
> You can do it just like with the .js files.  Just name them differently,
> say, Dada001.pm and Dada002.pm.  As far as I know there is nothing in the
> Perl 5.20 core that will do what you want where a module name and version
> number map to a unique file name.
> Or, do something like this, here is the t.pl file:
>     #!/usr/new/bin/perl
>     #
>     #  /usr/new/bin/perl --version
>     #  prints
>     #  This is perl 5, version 20, subversion 0 (v5.20.0)
>     #  built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
>     #
>     use Modern::Perl;
>     # Use one of the following two lines.
>     # I link this because it it's pretty staightforward and
>     # isn't too much action at a distance.
>     use lib qw(./Testing ./Production ./NeededForBoth);
>     # use lib qw(./Production ./Testing ./NeededForBoth);
>     use MyPackage;
>     PrintWhich;
> Here is Testing/MyPackage.pm:
>     # ./Testing/MyPackage.pm
>     package MyPackage;
>     use feature 'say';
>     use Exporter;
>     our @ISA         = qw/Exporter/;
>     our @EXPORT      = qw/&PrintWhich/;
>     our @EXPORT_OK   = qw//;
>     our %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
>     our $VERSION     = 0.02;
>     sub PrintWhich
>     {
>         say 'Testing';
>     }
>     1
> And here is Production/MyPackage.pm
>     # ./Production/MyPackage.pm
>     package MyPackage;
>     use feature 'say';
>     use Exporter;
>     our @ISA         = qw/Exporter/;
>     our @EXPORT      = qw/&PrintWhich/;
>     our @EXPORT_OK   = qw//;
>     our %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
>     our $VERSION     = 0.01;
>     sub PrintWhich
>     {
>         say 'Production';
>     }
>     1
> Or, you could invoke the packages with names in an index that
> get take the module name and the version number and map that
> into a filename.  I wouldn't do that though, just another thing
> to worry about.  For me it is easier to think about Perl
> modules if they exist in one directory will be used before
> any that exist in other directories.
> -mark
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