[Purdue-pm] Question about Versions

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 08:19:31 PDT 2014

We might go into this deeper on Tuesday (less than a week until the next
Perl Mongers meeting! See you at 11:30 in WSLR 116!), but this is an issue
I'm having.

In Javascript, when I include a library I wrote, I put <script
src="bulldada_0.1.js"> and if I want to work on the module and make
changes, I can do that to bulldada_0.2.js, and I can change the HTML when
and if I'm ready to use 0.2. Theoretically, I can have a directory full of

The capabilities are almost there with Perl. I can specify a version in my
package Bull::Dada ;
our $VERSION = 0.01 ;

I can specify a version number in my code;
use strict ;
use lib '/home/jacoby/lib' ;
use Bull::Dada 0.01 ;

But, Bull::Dada, as I understand it, has to be
/home/jacoby/lib/Bull/Dada.pm. I couldn't have it be /home/jacoby/lib/Bull/
Dada_0.01.pm alongside Dada_0.02.pm, where I'm changing the subroutines
around and such, but I'm not ready to use it in real code, or perhaps it
uses OAuth 2.0 while 0.01 uses OAuth 1.0 or whatever.

To my knowledge, I cannot do this in Perl, as much as I may desire it. Am I
David Jacoby     jacoby.david at gmail.com
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