[Purdue-pm] Meeting In One Week

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 08:15:18 PDT 2013

Our next scheduled meeting is next Tuesday, in the newly refitted WSLR 116.
Now begins our weekly "Does anyone have anything to talk about?"

I have scraped the Purdue CS Colloquium Calendar web page and transferred
it to vCal ( http://pm.purdue.org/~jacoby/cs_colloquia.ics ) and talk some
on the confusion of the vCal standard, the need for the Semantic Web and
the joy of Template Toolkit.

I have also started using the feature 'state' and did some benchmarking.
It's a lightning talk at best, but it's something.

Anyone else doing something new with Perl? Any other dynamic language?

There is also some interest in establishing this as a Google Hangout sort
of thing. None of my cameras are good enough to really do that. Any
interest in working out that tech?

David Jacoby     jacoby.david at gmail.com
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