[Purdue-pm] Next tech meeting in a week

Dave Jacoby jacoby at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 10 12:27:15 PST 2009

I put one up.

Rick Westerman wrote:
> Our next meeting is in a week, 11:30 am--1:30 pm, Tuesday, November 17, 
> 2009 in WSLR 116
> At the moment only Mark has signed up for any talks (perl 6) but I 
> suspect that other people could come up with a talk.   I'll give one on 
> my latest data-driven program, if nothing else.  But if the rest of you 
> could start coming up with topics then that will be great.
> *
> *

Dave Jacoby                         Address: WSLR S049
Genomics Core Programmer            Mail:    jacoby at purdue.edu
Purdue University                   Jabber:  jacoby at jabber.org
                                     Phone:   765.49.67368

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