[Purdue-pm] DBI Usage Question

Michael Gribskov gribskov at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 22 07:28:24 PST 2008

it will be slower because you have to $dbh->prepare every sql query.
other than that its fine

Dave Jacoby wrote:
> Assume a database table Test with a self-incrementing primary key field 
> and two other fields, USERID and ABCD. You want to put user-input data
> into USERID and ABCD. Assume this is the SQL string you want.
>    INSERT INTO Test ( USERID , ABCD ) VALUES ( 'random' , 'text' ) ;
> http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/UnixReview/col58.html
> Randal Schwartz codes his example using this syntax:
>    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
>      q{ INSERT INTO Test ( USERID , ABCD ) VALUES ( ? , ? ) }
>      ) ;
>    $sth->execute( $a , $b ) ;
> I'd rather do it more like this:
>    $a = $dbh->quote($a) ;
>    $b = $dbh->quote($b) ;
>    my $query = qq{INSERT INTO Test {USERID,ABCD} VALUES ($a,$b);};
>    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) ;
>    $sth->execute() ;
> Because then I know that I've explicitly and clearly quoted the inputs.
> I know TMTOWTDI. I like that TMTOWTDI. But I believe that some ways are 
> better than others, and Randal Schwartz might know some of the better 
> ways. Is there an overriding, understandable reason why my way is worse?

Michael Gribskov - gribskov at purdue.edu
Professor of Biological Sciences and Computer Science

Purdue University
Lilly Hall of Life Sciences
915 W. State Street
West Lafayette  IN  47907-2054

voice: 765.494.6933     fax: 765.496-1189     email: gribskov at purdue.edu

Administrative Asst: Karen Studebaker
voice: 765.494.8518     email: studebak at purdue.edu

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