[Purdue-pm] Some Links

David Jacoby jacoby at csociety.ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Aug 6 13:21:54 PDT 2007

OSCON 2007 Perl Lighting Talks on YouTube (from 

Referenced in Andy Lester's talk: Perl 101 
(http://perl101.org/), a site for perl newbies. Except,
I think that, like Unix, every user has a set of Perl that 
they know, and then there's a whole bunch they don't. They 
know how to look stuff up, and I think Perl101 will become 
part of how.

And speaking of Andy Lester's talk: 

Dave Jacoby -- jacoby at csociety.org
    "After three days without programming, life becomes meaningless."
        The Tao of Programming

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