[Purdue-pm] meetings starting, T-shirts

David Jacoby jacoby at csociety.ecn.purdue.edu
Sun Jul 9 10:59:26 PDT 2006

On Sun, 9 Jul 2006, Mark Senn wrote:

> Purdue Perl Mongers meetings are starting in August.
> Send me email to vote for day of week, starting time, and
> length in minutes you'd like meetings to be.

I'll say that I can roll with just about anything, but
Wednesdays are bad for me. 7pm is after work enough so you
can change and eat, but not pushing too far on bedtime.

> And what kind of meeting: at resturant, Purdue meeting
> room, etc.  I was thinking of once a month meetings, what
> do you think?

The talk on PerlMongering at YAPC::NA made a distinction
between social and technical meetings. I think, for the
first one, meeting somewhere at a restaurant and eating,
drinking (soda for me), geeking and planning the techical
meeting for the next month is a good plan. Just look for the
guys with the Perl t-shirts!

Speaking of which, put me down for an XL. If the prices stay
~$6 for XL and under, make it two.

> Include any ideas for presentations you'd like to attend
> and especially any presentations you could give.  Getting
> together a long talk is sometimes a hassle, maybe several
> short talks would be a good idea...what do you think?

I have some YAPC-inspired Javascript/AJAX/JSON/Jemplate
additions to the Stupid Agents talk, if anyone would care.
I'd love to hear more about the Template Toolkit and the way
that Perl6 will be, or any other suggestions.

> -mark   Mark Senn, Purdue Perl Monger

Dave Jacoby    jacoby at csociety.org
        You never need a plumber until you need one badly

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