
Michael J. Barillier blackwolf at
Wed Jan 26 17:38:24 CST 2000

Just delurking and sticking my head up to say hi as requested in the
welcome message ...

By way of introduction, I hack code for a living (which is cool) and have
been trying to convince the Java Servlet-advocating heathen here where I'm
working ( - Yet Another Internet Startup (TM), involved
with doing online diabetes management) that Perl CGI scripts are infintely
easier and more functional than trying to use Java to handle requests and
build documents.  But at least they're not a bunch of Microsoft bigots
... :)  I'm running Slackware Linux on my desktop (which is also cool), a
move instigated by having NT BSOD on me four times in one week.  (BTW, I'm
an anti-MS bigot.)

As for the personal stuff, I've got 3 young'uns (my daughter Erin's all of
one month old now) and an s.o. (might consider getting married one of these
days but after the last marriage I'm not too anxious to take that plunge).
I have no hobbies other than hacking code, though I'm rapidly heading into
that midlife crisis thing and will hopefully be heading down to Phoenix
later this year to attend Bob Bondurant's School of High Performance
Driving, maybe hit Skip Barber's as well.  The s.o.'d probably prefer that
to having me run off with a Hooters waitress or something ... :)

Welp, back to lurking ...

-- mjb

Michael J. Barillier  email: blackwolf at

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