introduce yourselves; lunch; Geeks With Guns, anyone?

Tim Chambers tbc at
Thu Aug 19 12:13:17 CDT 1999

>Looks like I get to be first...

Thanks! I guess I should introduce myself, too :-).

I've been using Perl off and on for about five years. At present, I'm using
Perl to support our use of ClearCase with various utility scripts. My first
Perl project was an translation system for ASIC gate descriptions from one
format to another. I wrote a module called Proc::Stepper and seven months
ago posted a preliminary description to news:comp.lang.perl.misc
([ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=433172999.1). I've since deployed
it in my department and have a working example, but it needs some cleanup
before submitting to CPAN.

Looks like I'll organize a lunch in the next week or two.
How does Ruby Tuesday's on Garden of the Gods Road sound?

As for personal stuff, I've written a lot on the Web. Start at

<>< Tim

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