[Phoenix-pm] [job] Linux Admin w/ Perl/PHP Programming

David A. Sinck phx-pm-list at grueslayer.com
Thu Aug 10 07:07:32 PDT 2006

\_ SMTP quoth Metz, Bobby W, WWCS on 8/9/2006 19:49 as having spake thusly:
\_ Total two-way delay = 238.7384 * 2 = 477.4769 ms

Anyone else have the response of 'back in the old days we were happy
with .5s lag'?  I remember being 20+ chars into the local terminal's
typeahead buffer and correcting typos that hadn't even been echoed
yet.  That really bothered a lot of people for some reason.  :-)

(load 'my_schemefile.pl^h^hs)

Then check lag: ah, vi is still thinking about :w, time to go get some
fresh air.



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