[Phoenix-pm] job opening

David A. Sinck phx-pm-list at grueslayer.com
Tue Oct 5 15:28:57 CDT 2004

\_ SMTP quoth Brock on 10/5/2004 09:57 as having spake thusly:
\_ On 2004., David A. Sinck wrote:
\_ | The work will be helping to improve and customize what we already have
\_ | in place as part of a team.
\_ | 
\_ | Further/deeper details available upon submitting a sufficient
\_ | interesting resume.  :-)  
\_ Ooo... mysterious. But not really appreciated. You wouldn't like it if
\_ we submitted resumes which were practically blank, and add
\_ "Further/deeper details available during interview", eh?

You haven't seen some of the winner resume's I've seen from assorted
sources over time.  :-(

\_ OK, perhaps I'm being a bit unfair... but I think you get the
\_ point. 

I understand where you're coming from, however if you can't deduce
roughly what we do from our website then we've got a marketing
problem, and given that fact that we're attempting to hire, there's
some implication that there's enough business that the website is
useful at determining that.  :-)  

\_ I
\_ feel as if you are toying with us rather than providing us with a
\_ serious professional opprotunity. On the other hand, this seems to be a
\_ pretty common practice. Being common doesn't make it Right though.

Nope, but there's a limited amount of time I want to spend answering
questions about what it is we do when I'm pretty sure it's covered on
the website one way or the other.  

I'm not against giving more details, but filling everyone's email up
with them is perhaps not the best method, whereas an interview after
you've perused the website and decided to give it a go....  


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