stack backtraces from lockedup programs

doug at doug at
Fri Dec 5 11:21:11 CST 2003

Scott Walters wrote:
> Hi folks,
> We're here at PPM and there was a disucssion of how to get debug
> what is locking up. I suggested this:
>     $SIG{INT} = sub { require Carp; Carp::croak(); };
> Then when it locks up, just kill -INT it.
> Kind of a little FAQ for the #perlhelp newbies mostly ;)
> -scott
> .


Thanks for this.  It looks like I can't use it right now though.  I think
that the CGI is completing, but the Apache process is locking up.  My
reasoning is that I don't see any of the CGI processes, but I do get
errors in the Apache error log:

[Fri Dec 05 10:03:22 2003] [warn] child process 4239 still did not exit,
sending a SIGTERM

when I restart Apache.  Also, I did get the CGI running off of the command
line, as Mike suggested, and it runs just fine.  Has anybody else seen
this in Apache 2.x?  Thanks.

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