more specific question

David Sinck sinck at
Fri Dec 10 10:07:32 CST 1999

\_ When you print to STDOUT, is it a pipe?  

Only if the program is invoked via

shell% perl | less

then it's a pipe, but for the most part, don't worry about it.  It's a
file handle, and that can be nearly anything...file, pipe, socket,
fifo, ....

\_ or does STDOUT wait until
\_ some sort of a flush command at the 'death' of the program, and
\_ then spill its contents...
Well, there's a flush when the program exits, or when the output
library decides it's time...usually X kb and/or a newline.  YMMV.  

\_ If it flushes rather than pipes, is there a way to modify the flush routine 
\_ upon its call?
Check the filehandle module, and $|, I think.  


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