From bduggan at Wed Aug 23 13:24:39 2017 From: bduggan at (Brian Duggan) Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 16:24:39 -0400 Subject: [Philadelphia-pm] Fall Season: Unix Race Conditions Message-ID: <20170823202439.GA98330@haraka> Hi All, Jim Keenan has volunteered to kick off the fall season of on September 11 with this talk: Security Implications of "Time of Check to Time of Use" for Widely Used Perl Code Programming in Unix environments is vulnerable to security problems when something can happen between the time the status of a filesystem entry is checked and a system call changing the status of that entity is made. Perl code can be written to minimize this vulnerability, but one widely used Perl function, "File::Path::rmtree()", fails to do so when used in its default format. The latest version of this function is safer but will cause some Perl code in production to function differently from the way it has since 1997. More details (location/time) are on the meetup page. Hope folks can make it! Brian