[Perth-pm] Using perl?

Peter Hallam perth.pm at inatick.com
Sun Oct 24 23:30:53 PDT 2010

On Mon, 25 Oct, 13:37 +0800 James Bromberger wrote:
> I have done a bunch of Nagios tests, including:
> * A very thorough MySQL replication check (available at
> http://www.james.rcpt.to/svn/trunk/nagios/check_mysql_replication/check_mysql_replication.pl,
> and I think its on Nagios exchange)

I use that, albeit a different version to the one linked here in our Nagios installation :)  (Thanks for that)

I tend to agree with Neil and his statement about rather spending time programming in Perl than doing something manually.  I also tend to use Perl where-ever I can, as I think in Perl whenever it comes to any kind of system related task.  I do wonder sometimes though if I suffer from the "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" proverb.

Some of my usage for Perl:
  - TVRage.com listings to iCal converter - Uses their API to grab the 
    XML feed and split out into various different calendars based off 
  - IRC bot based on POE::Component::IRC - Used as a front-end to our 
    CRM, provides a bunch of convenience tools mainly aimed towards 
    reducing the number of RT tickets generated by the support team :)
  - Monitoring stuff - a whole big bunch of custom Nagios plugins, plus 
    supporting scripts e.g. automatic configuration generators, written 
    mainly because most of the plugins on NagiosExchange are either not 
    quite suitable for our environment, or are just poorly written.

In the dim and distant past, I wrote a nice tool to produce a nice table comparing the peerings between various BGP peers.


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