[Pdx-pm] Fwd: Code Today: Curl Up and Dye, Open Source Galactica, Going Against Type, and Other Stories
ben.hengst at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 16:25:06 PST 2013
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From: "O'Reilly Media" <oreilly at post.oreilly.com>
Date: Feb 15, 2013 3:13 PM
Subject: Code Today: Curl Up and Dye, Open Source Galactica, Going Against
Type, and Other Stories
To: <bhengst at oreilly.com>
View in browser<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z3ph0jiuabvpdri8upjivjsf78ns7cj0okjtrbm0>.
[image: O'Reilly OSCON - Newsletter
With the Microsoft Surface having entered the fray, the tablet wars are now
fully on. While Microsoft has decided that hybrid tablets that convert into
PCs with keyboards are the way to go, Apple is betting the farm on
technologies like voice recognition for input.
Which do you think is right: *Is the QWERTY ready to go against
type?*Write to us at
code-newsletter at oreilly.com<code-newsletter at oreilly.com?subject=Code+Newsletter+-+Is+the+QWERTY+ready+to+go+against+type?>.
We're glad to gift all respondents a free O'Reilly ebook of choice.
The Code newsletter team
PS: We won't be able to collate and print your answers for another two
weeks. Please be patient with us—we have to, yes, sob—*have to* spend next
week in Las Vegas.
Open Dialog What the Open Source Community Is Talking About
Beats Flipping Burgers
[image: Summer of
teens looking for a way to spend their summer are in luck, as Google has
9th annual Summer
of Code program<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zrm71vps1j6r1d65p7bio6d1dfljn253s4vkhdgg>.
Write cool code for a chance to pocket a cool five grand, if your work
passes muster.
These Boots Were Made for Linux
Hardware designed for Windows 8 implements a secure booting scheme called
UEFI, that would have locked out Linux. The Linux Foundation has
compatible bootloader that should eliminate that issue.
[image: Gnome Logo]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zpfvnca6vmgqd2vasf9punc6pn0av0qpquuemeoo>Gnomes
Prefer JavaScript
If you're planning to develop apps for Gnome, it's time to polish up your
JS skills. Moving forward, the recommended development
the GDE will be JavaScript, and there was much wailing and gnashing of
Come Together
The convergence of the browser renderers has moved one step closer, with
Opera announcing<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zug9eaicfkrsuv5mj1uoqrrhj9msmv3euseqks2g>that
they plan to abandon their proprietary engine in favor of WebKit,
already powering Chrome and Safari.
Registration is Open for Fluent 2013 Master the Tools and Technologies
Driving the Web
[image: Fluent Masters]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zg8sgi2qp016d4tg6125e91b17rd1rdnvfl8hml0>
Tracks include:
Front End Frameworks and Libraries • The Server Side • HTML5 and Browser
Technologies • Pure Code and JavaScript • Mobile • Tools, Platforms, and
APIs • The Leading Edge • Doing Business on the Web Platform
*Register by February 27 for our best price*
Learn More →<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z2b3hi9aps7qgle5jkdfi3k9d7klbid9a61df088>
Pop! The Weekly Quiz Hell Hath No Fury
Time to return to the big screen for this week's trivia challenge. *What
sci-fi heroine ran the Curl Up and Dye hair salon?*
Think you know? Write
code-newsletter at oreilly.com<code-newsletter at oreilly.com?subject=Code+Newsletter+-+Pop+Quiz+&body=What+sci-fi+heroine+ran+the+Curl+Up+and+Dye+hair+salon?>with
your answer. The first correct respondent is welcome to choose a free
ebook from the O'Reilly catalog.
* <http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z2p42rve364ncg0mfm5r1pa89c199hquj837ucvg>LAST
WEEK'S PIGEON POOP PUZZLER *didn't stump* Jack Hildwine*, who was the first
of many of you to correctly identify *Penzias and Wilson* as the Nobel
laureates who needed to clean guano out of their microwave antenna before
discovering the background radiation left over from the Big Bang.
Q's A'd The Interactive Bit
Subscription Software
In our last newsletter, we asked what you thought of a subscription model
for renting software. Your response was swift, large, and uniform: No.
(Except for those who said yes.)
"It would solve. . . what I like to call 'the incidental Photoshopper'
problem," offers *Jan*, who adds, "wouldn't it be nice to be able to use
the full featured product only once in a while, without having to actually
buy it? Pay as you go, software as a service, such things could help make
that possible."
[image: Value]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zjpu207hsj5jbg6qg3itpcvvt7g29l7hr2egl9q0>
"It is the old batch vs. real-time processing issue gone financial," muses *
*Michael* fairly shouts, "I have no intention of ever subscribing to
Microsoft's server-based applications. I don't use their products at
all—that's what Open Office is for!"
"I just don't like the idea that I can lose the ability to generate content
because I no longer want to pay a monthly or annual subscription fee," says
*Rodney*. "I prefer the older software licensing model where
the software continues to work so long as you have a computer that can run
Reasoning both sides, *Patrick* concludes that "the model makes a lot of
sense, particularly as software is more of an avenue to provide a service
than a product."
But we'll give *Nate* the last (vociferous) word as he exemplifies the
majority response. "Subscription software model?" he spits. "Absolutely
not! I hate the idea from every conceivable angle."
tail -f /dev/newsletter All Good Things Must End
May the Crowdfunding Be With You
[image: Open Source Death
White House's refusal to
establish a Death Star has left some enterprising geeks undaunted.
Naturally, they've turned to
seek the funds needed to construct a moon-like battle fortress. With a
£20,000,000 budget just to develop plans, and only 1% funded, it's unlikely
to fund before time runs out.
But fear not! The Rebel Alliance seeks to develop a fleet of X-Wing
keep the balance of power even. Compared to the Death Star's budget,
X-Wing armada seems like a real bargain at just $11 million.
Both projects claim to be open source, but only the Death Star takes
*Q:** Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the downfall of the first Death
Star due to open source plans?*
*A:* No, the first Death Stars was closed source and the theft of the plans
resulting in the loss of many Bothan lives. Had the previous Death Star
plans been more open, someone might have spotted the obvious design flaw.
We believe that an open source project is safer, cheaper, and better for
In this Issue:
- Going Against Type
- Code Camp
- Fluent 2013
- Curl Up and Dye
- You Said No
- Crowdfunding the Death Star
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sci-fi and real world interfaces influence each other
Feb. 27, 10am PT
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Things You Need To Know About Startup Analytics
Mar. 6, 10am PT
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