[Pdx-pm] meeting tonight: Favorite Features and Fun Facts Sharing Session

Seven till Seven enobacon at gmail.com
Thu May 10 11:19:38 PDT 2012

Thu. May 10th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek – 1731 SE 10th Ave.

topic:  Favorite Features and Fun Facts Sharing Session

Tonight will be a round-table session discussing your favorite Perl 
features (whether new or old) and sharing fun tidbits you've found on 
your programming and debugging adventures.  Whether you're exploring 
perl5i and other wild new meta layers, learning new tricks with Moose, 
or discovering the bottom half of the open() pod, come and share your 
knowledge (and questions) with the group.

As usual, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab.

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