[Pdx-pm] Fwd: Books and News from the O'Reilly User Group Program--Jun4

ben hengst ben.hengst at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 16:14:31 PDT 2012

-------- Original Message --------
From: Marsee Henon and Jon Johns <usergroups at post.oreilly.com>
Sent: Mon Jun 04 18:01:23 PDT 2012
To: ben.hengst at gmail.com
Subject: Books and News from the O'Reilly User Group Program--Jun4

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Got your travel plans dialed in for summer? We do! Not only will the the
UG team be headed to TechEd in Orlando, we'll also be attending TechEd
Europe in Amsterdam this month. If you're attending either event, make
sure you let us know.  And have you downloaded the Windows 8 Release
Preview? This week we'd like to offer you a preview of Charles Petzold's
new book "Programming Windows, 6th Edition" in ebook form (the print
version will be out in November this year.) Tell us your oreilly.com
account and we'll give you a copy.


--Marsee Henon & Jon Johns

Available for Review

The UG team is looking for book reviewers for the following books.
Consider posting your reviews on Amazon, Slashdot, oreilly.com, and/or
your blog.

Maintainable JavaScript 

Web Workers 

Orchard CMS: Up and Running

It's easy for you to request books for your meetings or special
events--just email usergroups at oreilly.com and include the words "book
request" in the subject line. Don't forget to include your due date and
shipping address. Prefer ebooks? We can send you a free ebook
certificate to print out for raffles or book reviewers.

New Releases

WebGL: Up and Running 

Create Your Own Photo Book

Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV

HLSL and Pixel Shaders for XAML Developers

Adobe Edge Preview 5: The Missing Manual

Programming Computer Vision with Python

Celebrate World IPv6 Day (June 6)

Are you prepared for IPv6? Major ISPs, hardware vendors, and companies
around the world are gearing up to enable IPv6 in their products and
services by Wednesday, June 6. If you're interested in learning all you
can about the new backbone of the Internet, we'll be celebrating all day
on oreilly.com with deals.

Read about World IPv6 Day. 

Using Python for Computer Vision Podcast

Computer vision is increasingly being used in everyday technology.
Barcode scanning, augmented reality, and facial recognition are a few
examples you may be familiar with. O'Reilly's Andy Oram interviews Jan
Erik Solem, author of the upcoming book "Programming Computer Vision
with Python," in this recent O'Reilly podcast.

Highlights from the full video interview include:

--The value of Python in computer vision [Discussed at the 0:24 mark]
--Searching for images within images [Discussed at the 2:13 mark]
--Clustering or grouping images [Discussed at the 3:22 mark] 
--Constructing a 3D scene from images [Discussed at the 6:11 mark] 
--Modeling and calibrating a camera [Discussed at the 7:22 mark]

Ignite OSCON CFP is now open

If you have a hack to teach, website to launch, war story to tell, or
other great idea for an Ignite presentation, tell us about it. Ignite
OSCON will take place on Monday evening, July 16. If your Ignite OSCON
talk is accepted, you'll receive a complimentary day pass to OSCON for
Tuesday, July 17, plus a 50% discount if you'd like to upgrade your
pass. If you haven't seen an Ignite talk watch some videos at

Submit your talk by June 21, 2012. 

OSCON Awards Taking Nominations (July 19, Portland)

The 8th Annual O'Reilly Open Source Awards will be hosted this July at
OSCON in Portland, OR. The awards recognize individual contributors who
have demonstrated exceptional leadership, creativity, and collaboration
in the development of Open Source Software. We're accepting nominations
for the OSCON Open Source Awards through June 21.

SharePoint Technology Conference (July 22-25, Boston)

The SharePoint Technology Conference, July 22-25 in Boston, is the
world's premier independent event for Microsoft Office SharePoint. The
format includes 90+ technical classes, workshops, and breakout classes
with content geared to IT professionals, business managers, and
developers.  It features top Microsoft MVPs, dozens of expert MS
speakers, and solutions from 50+ exhibitors (exhibits admission is
FREE!).  Use code OREILLY for $100 3-day or 4-day discount.

Windows 8 Release Preview Resources

Are you running the latest Windows 8 Release Preview? Here are a few key
resources for developers:

*If you're ready to start coding, get the latest developer tools here.
*Windows Dev Center has hundreds of new and updated design resources,
technical articles, and samples for Metro style app development.
*Read "What's changed for app developers since Consumer Preview" on 
Windows 8 app developer blog for an overview of what's new in Visual 
Studio, the platform, and the De Center.
*You'll also want to catch the latest Windows Store for Developers blog 
to find out the latest changes to the store in Release Preview 

Meet Experts Online: Upcoming Free Webcasts

We've got some great webcasts coming up soon that you'll want to tell
your members about. 

PINTEREST - Architecting and Building our Sharded MySQL Datastore

Applying old video game performance techniques to modern web-based game

Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Put Up a Banner & Get a Free Book -- UG leaders only

We're looking for groups to display our discount banners on their web
sites. If you send me your group's site with one or more banners posted,
we'll send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from the
following list of banners:

*O'Reilly Answers banner 
*OSCON banners 
*Velocity Conference banners

O'Reilly Ebooks -- Your bookshelf on your devices

Lifetime access. Free Updates. Multiple DRM-free formats. 
Buy 1 Ebook, Get 1 Free with your user group discount code: DSUG2 
Learn More Here:

Looking for more? Visit oreilly.com.

1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472
Follow us on Twitter @oreillyug

You are receiving this email because you are a User Group contact with
O'Reilly Media. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters or
announcements from O'Reilly, send an email to 
usergroups at oreilly.com

Sent from Kaiten Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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