[Pdx-pm] DCI: A new way to OOP -- November meeting in two weeks

Seven till Seven enobacon at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 13:07:19 PDT 2011

  Thu. November 10th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek – 1731 SE 10th Ave.

DCI: A new way to OOP.

  speaker: Chad 'Exodist' Granum 

The DCI concept was created by Trygve Reenskaug, (inventor of MVC) and 
James Coplien. 

 DCI Stands for Data, Context, Interactions. It was created to solve the 
problem of unpredictable emergent behavior in networks of interacting 
objects. This problem shows itself in complex OOP projects, most 
commonly in projects with deep polymorphism. This is a problem that 
Procedural/Imperative Programming does not have. 

 DCI does not replace OOP, instead it augments it with lessons learned 
from looking back at Procedural Programming. It defines a way to 
encapsulate use cases into a single place. This provides an advantage 
to the programmer by reducing the number of interactions that need to 
be tracked. Another advantage is the reduction of side-effects between 

 Another way to look at it is that a DCI implementation is much more 
maintainable as a project matures. Changes to requirements and 
additional features cause clean OOP project to degrade into spaghetti. 
DCI on the other hand maintains code clarity under changing 

You will Learn:

  * How to think in DCI
  * How the DCI cpan package helps you write DCI
  * That you may already write things in a form of DCI
  * How a DCI implementation compares to an OOP implementation (in a 
generic task)

 As usual, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab.


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