[Pdx-pm] Powells is hiring

benh ben.hengst at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 11:55:46 PDT 2011

I can't speak for Rentrak but the biggest issue with Powells, from the
dev dept, is that Powells is a book store that just happens to have a
website. Thus the website is seen as some red-headed step child to the
rest of the company and no one really gets what you do or how you fit
in to the larger scheme of things. Because of the confusion
communication is not often very elegant when it comes to expressing
expectations, thus no one really has a large vision for what to do
with the website. In the end our dept would end up just working on
what we though we should do and then we would get yelled at when we
some how missed some unspoken expectation.

That rough working environment was the worst part of the job, the pay
was not great but I had stellar benefits, and I didn't have any one
breathing down my neck to get stuff done. I was given the space and
time to solve problems in the way that I saw fit and had the option to
propose many projects, some the team decided to work on, others we
passed on, but I was always able to at least propose things.

I've been at worse places, though I've also been at better... it's
just a matter of balance.

2011/3/22 Bruce Keeler <bruce at drangle.com>:
> On 3/22/11 11:29 AM, Jonathan "Duke" Leto wrote:
> Howdy,
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 11:06 AM, David Shultz <djshultz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ouch, I guess that depends on where you are at with Rentrak (I don't know
> the Powells side of things).  Not a great place to discuss this but are that
> many developers unhappy at Rentrak?
> Of course this is a great place. Sunshine is the best medicine.
> From what I hear, both Powells and Rentrak have soul-crushing pits of
> despair, I was
> just wondering which was worse.
> Can't speak to Powells, but as an ex-Rentraker:
> Pros:
> Pair programming
> Test-driven development
> Code base doesn't suck
> For most part, highly competent, intelligent, fun coworkers
> Cons:
> They don't pay well
> Some of the managers are pretty obnoxious
> Orwellian level of time tracking
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