[Pdx-pm] QA Panel / Tool Expo - May 13th meeting next week

Robert Buels rmb32 at cornell.edu
Fri May 8 19:54:28 PDT 2009

Does anybody have any ajax frontend automated testing to show off?

How do you make sure that your clicky-click javascript flimflam does 
what it's supposed to?

Dieter mentioned WWW::HtmlUnit, and I heard somebody going on about 
using Selenium RC and Test::WWW::Selenium.  Anybody using these or 
anything else?  Can you show us?


P.S.  OK, I think I've now gotten the word flimflam out of my system.

Robert Buels
Bioinformatics Analyst, Sol Genomics Network
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
Tower Rd
Ithaca, NY  14853
Tel: 503-889-8539
rmb32 at cornell.edu

Seven till Seven wrote:
> The May meeting will be an open panel and show-and-tell covering QA 
> tools and techniques.
>   Wed. May 13th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek -- 1731 SE 10th Ave.
> I have supplied the topic and the time.  I now leave it to you to supply 
> the panel and so forth.
>   http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?May2009Meeting
> (Update: thanks to those who have signed-up thus far, but there is still 
> plenty of room.)
> This is a good chance to share your experiences in writing tests or 
> using some particular test kit.  Other QA/tool subjects might include 
> packaging and deployment, the CPAN, CPAN testers, CPANTS.  If you have 
> questions about these things, this is also a good time to ask them.
> (Hint:  If you want someone to talk about something, write down their 
> name and what they're going to say.  If someone else wrote down your 
> name, you should write something about what you'll have to say.)
> Feel free to contact me off-list if you're curious about whether your 
> thing warrants you a seat on the panel so I can say yes.
> Please help fill out the meeting description so others know why they 
> should show up here on such a beautiful spring evening.
> Thanks,
> Eric

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