[Pdx-pm] The Perl Foundation GSOC 2008 Roundup

Jonathan Leto jaleto at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 21:46:46 PST 2009


I would like to submit a blog post to
http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/search/label/gsoc about TPF's
accomplishments in 2008, so if any one involved in GSOC2008 in any way
can whip together a few exciting sentences and send them to me, I will
glue them together and add the necessary links and submit. I can
writeup my part (since I was a mentor), hopefully Eric will have a few
kind words to submit (HINT HINT) and if the other mentors from last
year can write a short paragraph each, we are done.

This is important for GSOC2009 because it will help students decide
which organizations to apply to.

Thanks for your help,

  Jonathan Leto
jaleto at gmail.com

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