[Pdx-pm] File-Fu overloading: '*' replaces '.'

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 12:21:37 PST 2008

Hi all,

Perl's overloading of "$obj\n" calls the '.' method, so it looks like 
the File::Fu inner append has to be changed.

Note:  the operators are pronounced:
  / "slash" (not "divide")
  + "plus"  (not "add")
  * "glue"  (not "multiply")

  my $dir = File::Fu->dir("bar"); # "bar/"
  my $alsodir = $dir . 'bat'; # "barbat/"
  my $subdir = $alsodir / 'baz'; # "barbat/baz/"
  my $subdir2 = ($dir . 'bat') / 'baz'; # "barbat/baz/"
  my $file = $subdir + 'file.txt'; # "barbat/baz/file.txt"

  my $dir = File::Fu->dir("bar"); # "bar/"
  my $alsodir = $dir * 'bat'; # "barbat/"
  my $subdir = $alsodir / 'baz'; # "barbat/baz/"
  my $subdir2 = $dir * 'bat' / 'baz'; # "barbat/baz/"
  my $file = $subdir + 'file.txt'; # "barbat/baz/file.txt"

Notice the bump in precedence eliminates the need for parens on 
the "inner append 'bat'" in the $subdir2 line.

Unfortunately, the '+' precedence is still low, so this won't work:
  my $file = $dir * 'bat' / 'baz' + 'file' * '.txt'

Because of that, I'm considering involving "%" ("mod") and shuffling 
things around a bit.  But, perl6 fixes the ".=" and "=~" bits, right?  
(If so, then I would like to keep the interface closer to that.)

Another alternative is to dualize "&", but that would mean breaking the 
map() nature.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
--George Bernard Shaw

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