[Pdx-pm] Fwd: Parallel Testing talk on Monday

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 12:35:26 PDT 2007

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Subject: [PLUG-ANNOUNCE] PLUG Advanced Topics - September 17th 2007
Date: Friday 14 September 2007 09:00 am
From: alan <alan at clueserver.org>
To: plug at lists.pdxlinux.org, plug-announce at lists.pdxlinux.org

PLUG Advanced Topics Meeting

September 17th, 2007  7pm

Jax Bar
826 SW 2nd Avenue
Portland, Oregon

Speaker: Eric Wilhelm
          Scratch Computing

Title:  "Parallel Testing with Perl"

Since 1988, Perl (and then CPAN) has used the "Test Anything Protocol"
to relay test results from test files to a test harness.

In 2006, Curtis "Ovid" Poe started the TAP::Harness project, which has
formalized the TAP protocol, cleaned-up the harness code, and made it
possible to do lots of new and exciting things with the Perl test
tools.  As an example, Eric Wilhelm has already implemented a parallel
test harness as a very thin and clean layer on top of TAP::Harness.

TAP has grown up, and is not just for Perl anymore.  TAP producers are
already available for C/C++, Forth, Java, Javascript, Python, PHP,
PL/SQL, and can be easily developed for any language (or process) which
is able to produce plaintext output.

This presentation will cover
   * the simple innards of the TAP protocol
   * running your tests with a harness
   * testing multiple languages
   * testing poultry
   * running tests in parallel
   * resolving parallel resource conflicts
   * moving on: caching and clustering

More info:  http://testanything.org

Standard meeting rules apply.


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