[Pdx-pm] TWiki as substitute for kwiki?

Keith Lofstrom keithl at kl-ic.com
Mon Mar 26 22:02:01 PDT 2007


Some weeks back we were engaged in a discussion of replacing the PDX
Perl Mongers kwiki with something more secure, and I have been looking
for the same thing for the 5 kwikis I manage.  I was considering MediaWiki
for a while.   Eric warned us that MediaWiki is poorly written.  It also
turns out to be large, and dependent on MySQL, and difficult to set up. 
Tastes bad, more filling.

In my somewhat scattered way, I have been learning about TWiki.  That is
one of the "top 5" wikis, it is written in Perl, and the dependencies
are pretty simple.  There is a MediaWiki-like WYSIWYG editor for users
who want such things.  The security is granular.  There is a translator
from Kwiki to Twiki.  It is skinnable and has lots of plugins available. 
The configuration is a little complicated (to me at least), and they
have their own weird terminology for things.  However, the configuration
variables seem to be inheritance based, so one can set up "webs" and
"subwebs" that act separately but are configurable from the top.  I have
a hunch that once I am over the learning curve, I'm going to like TWiki.  

This matters to pdx.pm because (1) you folks might decide that this
would be a good migration path for the pdx.pm wiki, and (2) this might
make an interesting meeting subject. 

Somebody could slurp the pdx.pm site onto a laptop, and we could
actually set up TWiki for pdx.pm at the meeting, then upload it to the
server when we are done.   I assume that what I learn about TWiki over
the next two weeks will be learned by all of you in about 20 minutes at
the meeting, so I don't think I would be good at leading the discussion.
However, I may understand what is being talked about for 15 minutes
longer than I normally do!

So, if one or two of you take a look at TWiki, and tell us whether it
is worth considering or else stinks on ice, it might make be suitable
for the April 11th topic.


Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com         Voice (503)-520-1993
KLIC --- Keith Lofstrom Integrated Circuits --- "Your Ideas in Silicon"
Design Contracting in Bipolar and CMOS - Analog, Digital, and Scan ICs

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