[Pdx-pm] TT2 question

Thomas J Keller kellert at ohsu.edu
Fri Nov 10 11:48:30 PST 2006

I'm having trouble passing parameters to TT components.

Here's a snippet from my site layout:

<td>[% PROCESS misc/image01 image="$site.url.images.dna_helix"  -%]</td>

misc/image01 looks like this:
<img src="[% image.src %]" alt="[% image.alt %]"
      width="[% image.width %]" height="[% image.height %]"  
border="0" />

So the problem is in passing image.src to this element, right?

site.url is defined in a preprocessed config definition:
[% site.url = {
         root    = rooturl
         home    = "$rooturl/index.html"
         images  = "$rooturl/images"
         logo    = "$rooturl/images/logo"
         css     = "$rooturl/css"
         js      = "$rooturl/js"
         ssi     = "$rooturl/ssi"

and the image itself is defined in another config file:
[% site.image = {
         dna_helix = {
                 src = "$site.url/dna_helix.png"
                 alt = "DNA helix"
                 width = 32
                 height = 32

I don't understand why site.url.images.dna_helix isn't parsed  
correctly. ( the relevant output looks like this:
<td><img src="" alt=""
      width="" height="" border="0" /></td>

I'm having trouble understanding the process chain I think. Can  
someone see where I'm going wrong?

Tom K

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