[Pdx-pm] Fwd: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly Launches PDF Guides
Eric Wilhelm
scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Tue May 30 18:16:35 PDT 2006
Looks like ORA is rolling out some e-books. It appears that they're
offering us review copies of these as well. Time to build the digital
wing of our library?
Sorry for the slow turn-around (who wants to help me setup procmail?)
Here are the highlights:
"Build Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP" by Jim Bumgardner
"Web Services on Rails" by Kevin Marshall
"Atlas UpdatePanel Control" by Bertrand Le Roy and Matt Gibbs
"Search Engine Optimization" by Harold Davis
Other PDFs from O'Reilly can be found in the O'Reilly Store at:
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Subject: UG News--Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly Launches PDF Guides
Date: Tuesday 30 May 2006 11:07 am
From: "Marsee Henon" <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: ewilhelm at cpan.org
Can you share this news with your members? Let me know if you want
a review copy.
Good. Fast. Cheap. O'Reilly Launches PDF Guides
As part of O'Reilly Media's commitment to delivering vital technology
information to people who need it, when they need it, O'Reilly is
launching an ongoing series of PDF publications to address cutting edge
technologies. O'Reilly's PDF guides are in-depth, immediate, timely,
and authoritative. Readers can purchase and download the PDFs through
the O'Reilly online store, with no restrictions on the ability to
save, copy, or print them.
The advantages to readers are numerous. O'Reilly authors can
disseminate crucial information as the need arises, without having to
wait for enough material to fill an entire book. Production time is
reduced dramatically, giving IT professionals and others immediate
access to the knowledge they want. Plus, readers can easily search the
text, copy and paste handy bits of code into their applications, and
take the PDF with them even when they're offline. But most
importantly, readers won't have to compromise in their pursuit of
timely information--these PDFs provide the high-quality content for
which O'Reilly has come to be known.
This month's PDF offerings are available now:
"Build Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP" by Jim Bumgardner
First popularized by the web sites Flickr, Technorati, and del.icio.us,
these amorphous clumps of words now appear on a slew of web sites as
visual evidence of their membership in the elite corps of "Web 2.0."
This PDF analyzes what is and isn't a tag cloud, offers design tips
for using them effectively, and then shows how to collect tags and
display them in the tag cloud format. Scripts are provided in Perl and
ISBN: 0-596-52794-2, 46 pages, $9.99 US, $12.99 CAN
"Web Services on Rails" by Kevin Marshall
In recent years, web services have become increasingly useful to
smaller web site developers. Thanks to standards like SOAP and
XML-RPC as well as frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, developers can
easily create web service clients and servers with fewer errors. This
guide looks at how Ruby on Rails makes building web service clients
and servers simple and fun, with plenty of working examples and code
details so you can see just how everything works.
ISBN: 0-596-52796-9, 32 pages, $9.99 US, $12.99 CA
"Atlas UpdatePanel Control" by Bertrand Le Roy and Matt Gibbs
The key to making ASP.NET applications more responsive to user input is
the UpdatePanel control. In this tutorial, you'll learn from the
experts: Bertrand Le Roy, UpdatePanel control's architect and
developer, and Matt Gibbs, Atlas dev team manager. This PDF document
contains all you need to get started implementing AJAX functionality
in existing ASP.NET applications.
ISBN: 0-596-52747-0, 56 pages, $9.99 US, $12.99 CA
"Search Engine Optimization" by Harold Davis
SEO--short for Search Engine Optimization--is the art, craft, and
science of driving web traffic to web sites. Whether your web site
depends on broad, general traffic, or high-quality, targeted traffic,
this PDF has the tools and information you need to draw more traffic
to your site, and build your bottom line. You’ll learn how to
effectively use PageRank and Google itself--effective use of SEO means
understanding how Google works: how to boost placement in Google
search results, how not to offend Google, and how best to use paid
Google programs. You’ll also learn how to best organize your web pages
and web sites, apply SEO analysis tools, establish effective SEO best
practices, and much more.
ISBN: 0-596-52786-1, 41 pages, $9.99 US, $12.99 CA
Other PDFs from O'Reilly can be found in the O'Reilly Store at:
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
http://ug.oreilly.com/ http://ug.oreilly.com/creativemedia/
The only thing that could save UNIX at this late date would be a new $30
shareware version that runs on an unexpanded Commodore 64.
--Don Lancaster (1991)
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